
Summer Break: The Perfect Time To Visit Your Dentist

Summer Break: The Perfect Time To Visit Your Dentist

At Bendel Family Dentistry, we want you to find a dentist's office for life. When it comes to taking care of your oral health, timing can play a crucial role. As summer vacation arrives and kids are out of school, and college students enjoy a break from their studies, it's an opportune time to prioritize dental care. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages of scheduling your dental work during the summer, ensuring a hassle-free experience for both children and adults. 

Flexibility and Convenience:

One of the major benefits of scheduling dental appointments during the summer is the flexibility it offers. With the absence of rigid school schedules and demanding college timetables, it becomes much easier to find appointment slots that suit your availability. You can avoid the rush and stress of fitting dental visits into an already packed academic year, making the most of your summer break.

Easier Scheduling for Families:

For families, summer provides an ideal opportunity to tackle dental visits together. Parents can coordinate appointments for themselves and their children without worrying about conflicting schedules. Taking care of dental work during the summer ensures that your family's oral health needs are met efficiently, without interrupting school routines or extracurricular activities during the academic year.

Seamless Recovery Time:

Some dental treatments require recovery time, especially procedures like extractions or orthodontic adjustments. By scheduling these procedures during the summer, you can allow yourself or your child ample time to heal without worrying about missing school or college. Summer break provides the necessary window to recover comfortably, allowing a smooth transition back into regular routines once school resumes.

Preventive Care and Check-ups:

Summer break is the perfect time to prioritize preventive dental care. Regular check-ups, cleanings, and screenings are essential to maintaining oral health. By scheduling these appointments during the summer, you can stay ahead of any potential dental issues before they escalate. Detecting and addressing problems early on can prevent discomfort and more extensive treatments down the line.

Take Advantage of Our Friday Appointments:

Especially during the summer, many dental clinics are closed on Fridays. We are open half days on Fridays. This means you can take advantage of longer appointment slots to address multiple dental needs in a single visit. From routine check-ups to cosmetic treatments or orthodontic adjustments, having more time in one appointment allows for efficient and comprehensive care, minimizing the need for frequent visits.

Smooth Transition for College Students:

For college students on a break, summer provides an excellent opportunity to catch up on any pending dental work. Whether it's routine cleanings, orthodontic check-ups, or addressing dental concerns, taking care of these appointments during the summer allows students to start the academic year with a healthy smile. Additionally, it can be more convenient to address dental needs close to home during the summer break.